We are experienced in tailoring medication management solutions in line with security requirements.

Correctional Service Facilities

HPS’ network of HPS Approved Pharmacies have been providing pharmaceuticals and pharmacy services to correctional facilities since 1995 and has considerable experience in tailoring medication management solutions in line with the security requirements for this type of service. In addition, we have a depth of knowledge in regards to the health ailments that secure populations endure and the necessary skills in supply and clinical services required for the service.

Our network of HPS Approved Pharmacies can tailor a service to meet your correctional pharmacy needs, including:

Imprest/Pharmacy Stock Management

Offering a range of imprest management services, minimising the cost of storing stock, reducing waste, and promoting more timely management of stock levels.

Pharmaceutical Management Services

Integrating pharmacy services with the healthcare team to develop strong medication management processes. This includes imprest management and reviews, drug formulary development and management, and drug product recall management.

Clinical Pharmacy Services

Our network of HPS Approved Pharmacies’ experienced team of clinical pharmacists provides critical advice about drug interactions, dosages and potential adverse drug reactions, endorsing the Quality Use of Medicines. Client support services including staff education, drugs and therapeutics committee participation, expenditure reporting, and quality improvement programs are also integral components of our professional services.

In addition, HPS provides accreditation support, including advice regarding changes in legislation and regulations.

OSTP Management

Our network of HPS Approved Pharmacies can assist with managing opioid substitution therapy program (OSTP) services to patients by preparing pre-packaged doses, ensuring each dose is correctly calibrated and labelled. Alternatively, we can provide assistance with the administration of OSTP doses on-site. Our network of HPS Approved Pharmacies also has comprehensive experience in managing and coordinating post-discharge programs and out-patient opioid substitution programs.


Our mediSACHe® system provides sophisticated medication management and accommodates any medication regime. Clearly labelled tamper-evident packages are ideal for streamlining administration and delivery of medication, including managing your self-medicating patients.

Compounding Service

HPS’ network of HPS Approved Pharmacies provides comprehensive compounding services for an array of medications and preparations at cost-effective prices. Our designated compounding team utilise best practices to customise medications to meet specific patient requirements.

High Cost Drug Management

HPS is acutely aware of the vast array of high cost drugs involved in the routine care of patients, particularly in a correctional setting. HPS’ network of HPS Approved Pharmacies aims to provide advice and assistance in managing these costs. By utilising a streamlined high cost drug procedure, we assure that access to the types of medications is both equitable and obtainable. The high cost drug service is driven by the pharmacy team and involves the pharmacist working in partnership with facility management to implement approval processes for the distribution of high cost medication.

HPS understands it is paramount the correctional facility does not incur exceptional charges in this setting.

Tailored Reporting Solutions

We provide a variety of reporting solutions focussing on quality standards and the provision of comprehensive expenditure data. This allows our clients to analyse and evaluate drug usage and expenditure to ensure financial targets and key performance indicators are achieved.

Other services and benefits we can provide to your facility include:

  • Competitive prices – Our long-term partnerships with preferred pharmacy wholesalers and suppliers deliver significant value to our clients;
  • Extensive stock availability;
  • Next day delivery (subject to geographical location);
  • Access to an on-call pharmacy for emergency situations;
  • Streamlined ordering systems; and
  • Subscription to all of our publications.

Please click here for HPS’ network of HPS Approved Pharmacies’ Correctional Services brochure.


We have a depth of knowledge in regards to the health ailments that secure populations endure and the necessary skills in supply and clinical services required for the service.

For more information about our corrections pharmacy service offering, please contact: